PUBLISHED April 20, 2020

Australia’s first offshore wind project: Star of the South

Copenhagen Offshore Partners has been supporting the first proposed offshore wind project in Australia, Star of the South, since 2018.

The 2,000MW project would be one of the world’s biggest offshore wind farms and could supply around 18 % of the State of Victoria’s electricity needs, providing a reliable and consistent source of energy, while creating jobs and investment for the region.

Importantly, it would help provide diversity and security to the State’s grid and protect against blackouts in summer when demand is high.

In March 2019, the Australian Government awarded a licence to the Star of the South to conduct site investigations. In November 2019, wind and wave monitoring equipment was deployed out to sea off the south coast of Gippsland in Victoria.

Two wind measuring devices, known as floating LiDARs, and a wave buoy will be out at sea for several years along with other investigations, including seabed studies to confirm the sea depths and conditions, as well as baseline environmental surveys for marine life and birds.  

Specialists are undertaking assessments as part of the extensive planning process, with the project team working with government to progress approvals of Australia’s first offshore wind farm.


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